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Kuan-Sheng’s Matching Tree - Interesting/Bizarre Shelving System

Another concept design you say? Yes. Today is all about the future and what we can hope to be seeing in the next few weeks or years. This concept is an IDSA 2008 finalist; Kuan-Sheng’s Matching Tree for libraries.

Kuan-Sheng, inspired by natural and organic designs, chose the tree as a basis for his final work of art. The concept behind this shelving system is to utilize the “tree” to extend between floor and ceiling by means of round disks. The ingenious “V” shape allows for equalized weight distribution as well as to protect it from falling during an earthquake.

The Matching Tree houses books on shelves suspended by a tree looking frame, the frame comes equipped with an in-built ladder that can easily be adjusted higher or lower from the frame in order to reach books on various shelves without the aid of external ladders, systems or random perching library helpers.

Initially I looked at this wacky design and wondered just how it would fit into my perfect ideal library and after a few ticks, realized it was actually very modern and yet quite organic – interior designers will be having a blast!

According to my view this is very unique and modern product which is easy to use and very econoimical. A lot of qualities are hidden in this product.


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