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Toshiba Qosmio G25-AV513 17" Laptop

Toshiba Qosmio G25-AV513 17" Laptop (Intel Pentium M Processor 760 (Centrino), 1 GB RAM, 120 GB Hard Drive, SuperMulti DVD Double Layer Drive)

After selling two computers, yes two, to my parents i decided to get something that was gonna last for many years, and something that i could do anything on that i could do on a desktop. Also something that was portable was what i wanted most. After searching and searching and countless computers, i realized i was gonna have to pay the BIG bucks to achieve what i wanted. I had saw the Qosmio but had always hated how "finger printed" up the interior looked when i saw them in stores, from people using them. Its a pet peave that i don't like prints or smudges for that matter. So after a lot of thought i went for the F25 from a website called Clearance Club for 1349 plus tax, i didnt think it was a bad deal till i saw the F25 on the Toshiba Direct site for 1099$, so i thought i just got ripped. After careful consideration i looked at the G25 which was only a few hundred dollars more, 1349!! to be exact, they didnt have any in stock until a few days later so i said what the hell and went for it, even though i wasnt to fond of the gargantuen 17" screen. Well having gotten the G25 when i still had the F25 i decided why not test them side by side, being that it was a weekend and couldnt ship the other back yet. Here's the Pro's and Con's i found.

F25-Sharp Clean Picture
G25-A Bit Brighter, although maybe to bright?

F25-Great Harman Kardon speakers, very loud and bassy
G25-Same speakers although not as loud,(i must point out both of these were refurbished for one reason or another, so the speakers or sound card may have been the issue here)

F25-Basic 100gig hard drive, seems like a lot until you record live TV.
G25-Serial ATA 120 gig, double hard drives, 20 gigs makes a difference.

F25-Nvidia Geforce 6600 Go Graphics Card-64mb-Doom 3 1024x768 low quality.
G25-Nvidia Geforce 6600 Go Graphics Card-128mb-Doom 3 1024x800 High Quality-Its noticeble side by side. No hesitation. Also 1440x900 Max screen resolution.

F25-WiFi b/g Wireless

F25-15.4 inch wide screen,Very Light, Good for toating around.
G25-17.4 inch wide screen, Very Heavy, Not good for toating around. Although better for movies at home.

F25-Darker Black Interior-Smudges aren't AS noticeble, but still bad.
G25-The thing i hate most,terrible at fingerprints and smudges, has a slightly glossier black face.

F25-Good DVD-R-RW multi burner, basic pop-out from the side.
G25-Very cool DVD-R-RW multi Burner, inserts from the front, slide in compartment. Burns a little quicker than the F25 i think. Loads loud though, minor issue.

F25-1.86 pentium 750M processor, centrino.
G25-2.01 Pentium 760M Processor, Centrino.

F25-1024 gig of RAM
G25-1 gig

F25-Refurbished-Cheapist anywhere, Toshiba Direct-1099$, New on other sites, anywhere from 1600, to 2000$.
G25-Refurbished-Cheapest anywhere, Toshiba Direct-1349, New on other sites anywhere from, 1549$ to 3000$.

So with all these side by side the differences are very minor between the F25 and the G25, there were certain things i liked better abuot each but when it came to mas-multi tasking and just over all ability i had to go for the G25 even though its not perfect its the best your gonna get for a laptop, multimedia center. All others definately fall short when it comes to the specs this thing has. Basic laptops even HP's higher series most come with an ATI Radeon 200M which u can't even put on medium resolution 800x600 for Doom 3 or Farcry. Even some of the higher end Hp's come with a Nvidia Geforce 7300 go, which is a low end 7 series, not even as good as the 6600. So though its pricey and huge and shows ugly smudges(though easy to clean), i must say this is the pinaccle of laptops on the market now.


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